Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The Ipad is a newly made smartphone/laptop computer developed by Apple Inc. It is introduced on January 27,2010 and it will be released on April 3, 2010. It is more advanced than the Ipod touch, or the Iphone,
You can choose between 2 kinds of Ipad,one with 802.11n Wi-Fi and one with 802.11n Wi-Fi and 3G, the 3G can give u access outside your home (example: Parks, bus stops, and places where u don't have access to wifi connection, but you must be in range of cellular connection. You can choose the storage size of the Ipad, they have 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB. The Operating system of the Ipad is Iphone OS 3.2, it have the same basic functions as the Iphone and Itouch (sleep, home screen rotation lock, volume, multi-touch screen), and other than its size, its basically a bigger version of the Itouch/Iphone.

My ratings on this product from the informations i got will have to be a 3/5, because the programs and functions are basically all the same, you can get a iphone for a much cheaper price than the Ipad, and it'll still do what you want. Unless your a big screen person, i'd suggest you buy a Itouch or a Iphone. (Thats what i'm doing :])
Thanks for reading!
For more descriptions about the product here are the links.